
In Prague with SOCDEM

In Prague with SOCDEM

On Saturday 13 April, PES Common Candidate Nicolas Schmit was in Prague, the Czech Republic, for the Conference of PES full member party SOCDEM. In…

Pictured front row from left: PES Secretary General Giacomo Filibeck, PES Vice-President Victor Negrescu, SPD Germany Spitzenkandidat and PES Executive Vice-President Katarina Barley, S&D President and PES Executive Vice-President Iratxe García, PES Common Candidate Nicolas Schmit, Prime Minister of Romania Marcel Ciolacu, Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz, PES President Stefan Löfven, Leader of CHP Özgür Özel, Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti. Pictured back row from left: PES Deputy Secretary General Yonnec Polet, Leader of PSDE Moldova Ion Sula, head of PSD-PNL candidate list for the European elections Mihai Tudose, Leader of the Labour Party Ireland Ivana Bacik, President of YES Enric López Jurado, Minister for the National Heritage, the Arts and Local Government Owen Bonnici.

In Bucharest, we stand together for our Europe

Social, democratic and sustainable – this is our Europe. That was the message as the Common Candidate of the Party of European Socialists (PES) Nicolas…

Participants support the

Affordable housing for all

Nicolas Schmit, PES Common Candidate was in Portimão (Portugal) on 4-5 Abril for the conference “Housing for all”, organised by the PES Group in the…

Full room in Nancy for a more social Europe

Full room in Nancy for a more social Europe

Nicolas Schmit was in Nancy for a big campaign rally with Raphael Glucksmann, head of list of PS France and Place Publique to the European…

Nicolas Schmit, Helsinki, 9 March 2024

In Helsinki we stand for workers’ rights

PES Common Candidate Nicolas Schmit was today in Helsinki to attend the the 4th Future Forum organised by PES sister party SDP. He has also…

Women's March, MAdrid, 8 March 2024

Marching for gender equality

Nicolas Schmit, PES lead candidate to the EU elections, joined PSOE for a march for women’s rights on International Women’s Day in Madrid.Together with Equality…


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